Casino Games: Everything You Need to Know About the Rules and Strategies


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From Las Vegas and Atlantic City to riverboat and dockside gambling, as well as the boom in Native American reservation gambling destinations, millions of people are flocking to casinos. And although casino games seem simple, most people walk away from the tables poorer than when they sat down. Is it just bad luck, or is it bad playing? Casino Games will help you become a better player by supplying you with the information all gamblers need to swing the odds in their favor:

* Study every popular casino game, from craps to baccarat and blackjack to

   Internet poker.

* Learn the key elements of gambling games before you sit down to play.

* Understand how to place bets, what to say, and the probability of success.

* Maximize your earnings by learning how to assess your situation and what

   strategy to adopt.

* Examine case studies, sample hands, probability tables, and more than 100


Whether you are planning a Vegas vacation or joining an Internet poker match, Casino Games will give you the knowledge you need to beat the house more often and leave the table a winner.