Managing Money God’s Way


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Become a better steward of your money, pay off debt, save more, and give more!

Join Bob in this 31 day daily devotional as he shares his own experiences, insights, questions, and discoveries about Biblical money management and what we can do to be better stewards of our money.

Each short chapter will leave you with a new Biblical insight, personal challenge, encouraging thought, and even practical steps to better control your money.

***Actual Amazon Reviews:***

“This book gave me a new outlook on managing my money that no other book or blog on the internet has ever given.”

“The lessons are very concise, which makes them easy and fun to read. I know that I won’t need to spend hours on them each night and that I’ll get some great, pertinent information that I can immediately apply to my life and financial situation.”

“This is a great book full of daily devotionals that will help you manage your money God’s way. My husband and I have been reviewing our finances over the past year and have made many changes. This book will help us to continue on our path to saving and managing our money the way the Bible says we should.”

“This book gave me a new perspective on the importance of money to me. I have read other inspirational materials on the subject of personal finance and money management; however, this book really has made me think and feel differently about the role that money plays in my life.”